Pneumatic vs Cushion Tires

Tire Blog

We get it… tires can be tricky. If you are still unsure about what the difference between pneumatic and cushion tires than we’re here to help, just read below for everything you need to know about these tires

What’s The Difference?


Pneumatic Tires are either 100% rubber or filled with air. These tires are have deeper treads and higher ground clearance than cushion tires. Pneumatic tires provide a strong grip when working with uneven operating surfaces, and are typically used for outdoor jobs!


Cushion Tires are made of a smooth solid rubber, and sit much lower to the ground than pneumatic tires; they are either smooth or treaded and have a small turning radius. Cushion Tires are typically used for indoor jobs, or with light outdoor usage!


What’s Right for Me?


If you intend to operate your forklift primarily outdoors, on tougher surfaces, then Pneumatic Tires may be right for you! These tires are versatile, dependable, and reliable; they are designed for much harsher conditions than cushion tires and better suited for the dirt and gravel of a construction site or farm!


If you intend to operate your forklift primarily indoors, or on smooth outdoor surfaces like concrete, than Cushion Tires may be right for you! These tires are easier to maneuver, durable when used correctly, quiet, and cost efficient. These tires are perfect for warehouse operations!


We hope this information helps you decide which tire is right for you – for assistance getting new tires, or other parts, submit a request below!

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